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Disclaimer: itsmovies4u.tk does not host any Movie, Darama on our server. All Content found on our site are found freely available around the web. We make no guarantees or promises in our service and take no liability for our users actions. Please note that we are sharing third-party file hosting and p2p links. We are not affiliated nor claim to be affiliated with any of the owners of content displayed on our site. All content is copyright of their respective owners.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States copyright law that allows specific files to be removed by their owners if they are being used without proper permission. In order to file a complaint, you should take the following steps:
1. Gather the URL(s) of the offending file(s).
(Note: No files are being hosted on this website anymore)
2. Make sure you are the real owner of the file and that the file does not have permission to be used on this site. In order for the DMCA to succeed and to be successfully processed, you must send an email from a domain that is legitimately owned by the offended company. DMCA complaints from Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL or other free web mail accounts will not be accepted.
3. Prepare an email to be sent here
4. Make sure that the subject of the email is “DMCA – {Company Name}” (eg. “DMCA – Microsoft”)
5. Include the URL(s) in step one in the content of the email. The email should include the Identification of copyrighted works, Copyright infringing material location(s), and Statement of authority.
Once the email is sent, the file will be taken down as soon as possible. We are very sorry for this inconvenience! Remember that we require the proof of your ownership for the file being reported as copyrighted, Otherwise your Complaint/Request will be ignored.


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